Friday 6 May 2011

She's The Man

During pre-production our group decided on what movie we would use and went on to watch parts of it until we found a scene that would be fun and suitable to remake. After that Sarah and I started to draw up a storyboard for the scene which took longer than expected. We took note of the costumes and props we would need and Danielle wrote up a script for the scene. We also decided on who would play who. 
The only problem we had was deciding on who would bring which costume and where we would get the dress from. 
During our production of She's The Man we decided on where we would film the scene. We chose the music room because we were less likely to be disturbed (unless someone had a music lesson). Sarah and Danielle did most of the filming whereas I only filmed one or two shots. This part of the production was enjoyable; we learnt our lines and filmed the scene while having lots of fun in the process. 
While filming, we accidentally recorded over parts we previously filmed and then had to re-do them. We also realised Danielle was going to China at the end of term so we had to finish filming all her parts before she left. Props were sometimes forgotten such as the soccer ball and Danielle's sleeves were rolled up in some shots and not in others. We also had to substitute a light reflector for a mirror and a drawing for a photo. All these problems were fixed and solved.
Post Production:
During post production we did all the editing and learnt how to use iMovie
The background noise in our scene was a problem because you could tell it was filmed on different days. To fix this we added an acoustic guitar in the background using Garage Band. Not only did it fix our problem, it made the whole scene much more interesting. It was also discovered  that we had lost a few shots we had filmed. This was easily fixed as they weren't overly important and the scene made sense without them.

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