Saturday 19 February 2011

The Breakfast Club

Character Descriptions
Brian: Brian is the nerd of the group who is one of the main characters. He is smart and pressured. He received a detention because he brought a gun to school. This was because his parents pressured him to do well in school so he wanted to end his life. Throughout the film he developed friendships with the other characters.
Claire: Claire is the princess of the group. She has a wealthy family and is the most popular girl in school. The thing is, she doesn’t actually like her group of friends. She is misunderstood and believes her parents use her to get back at each other. The reason she gets a detention is because she skips school to go shopping. At the end of the film she realises her feelings towards John and he returns them.
Allison: Allison is the outcast in the group who is erratic and unique. She did nothing to earn a detention, she simply went as she hates her life at home and her parents ignore her. Claire gives Allison a makeover at the end of the film which grabs Andrew’s attention.
Andrew: Andrew is the jock of the group who is caring, outgoing and pressured. His father constantly looks down on him and wants him to be number one. To earn the respect of his father he taped a boys “buns” together which is why he went to detention. Andrew eventually sees past the stereotypes of the other students and befriends them. He also realises his love for Allison after she has a makeover.
John: John is the rebel of the group who is outspoken, disrespectful and angry. He has family issues. His father once burnt him on the arm with a cigar because he spilt paint in the garage. The reason he received a detention was for pulling a false fire alarm. After constantly insulting Claire for being popular and wealthy, he ends up falling in love with her at the end of the film.
Brian: Brian wore a green jumper, light coloured pants that ended above his ankles, white socks and blue and black shoes.
Claire: Claire wore a pink top, a long high waisted brown skirt and long brown boots. Sometimes she wore a jacket.
Allison: Allison wore a long skirt, scarf, stockings, a long sleeved black jumper, a coat and converse shoes. After the makeover she wears a headband, belt and dress.  
Andrew: Andrew wears a blue jumper, white long sleeved shirt, jeans and a blue singlet. John wears a denim jacket, a red and black flannelette short sleeved shirt, a white long sleeved top, jeans back gloves and a long coat.
At the start of the film the students disliked each other and didn’t see past the stereotypes. This changed as they started talking and discovered each other’s problems. They all eventually became friends.
 The Breakfast Club is about five teenagers that have a detention on a Saturday for different reasons.
The film is set in Shermer High School. The sub settings include the library, corridors, school grounds, the oval, gymnasium, basement and faculty room.
The music used in the film was fast paced, dramatic and the genre was usually rock. This type of music was used as it was popular in the 80’s and was the type of music teenagers generally listened to.
Issues and themes
·         Stereotypes – The students stereotype each other.
·         Love – A few of the characters are in relationships such as Allison and Andrew and Claire and John.
·         Friendship – They all become friends.
·         Anger – They fight with each other.
·         Family – They all have different issues with their families.
How is it different/similar to other teen movies?
The Breakfast Club has similar themes, issues and stereotypes to other teen movies. Although, the settings and storyline are completely different. I have never watched a teen movie where students are in detention on a Saturday.
Film review
Claire, John, Brian, Allison and Andrew are five different stereotypical teenagers from different cliques. They find themselves in detention after breaking different school rules or just attend to get away from home. Throughout the film it becomes clear that there is more to them than their stereotypes. Each of their feelings and secrets are revealed which brings them closer together. They form strong friendships and a few characters develop relationships. This movie teaches you not to judge a book by its cover and not to assume everyone has a perfect life. The Breakfast Club is great teenagers as well as adults.

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